Indonesia in terms of geography , the city of Sabang is located at 95 ° 13'02 " -95 ° 22'36 " E and 05 ° 46'28 " -05 ° 54' - 28 " N , is the northernmost administrative region , and bordering directly with neighboring countries, namely Malaysia , Thailand , and India . Sabang City region surrounded by the Strait of Malacca in the North , in the South Indian Ocean , the Strait of Malacca in the East and in the West Indian Ocean .

The total area is 39 375 ha Sabang Zone ( Singapore : 67,400 Ha / P.Batam : 41,500 Ha ) with the restriction north with the Bay of Bengal , south of the Indonesian Ocean , east of the Strait of Malacca , and west to the Indian Ocean . See Figure 1.1 . Location of Sabang Zone is strategic because it is in the shipping lanes of traffic ( International Shipping Line ) and international flights be a central position as a gateway to the inflow of investments , goods and services from within and outside the country .

Supported also by the construction of the Kra Canal ( Kra Canal ) in Thailand , can position Sabang as a buffer zone for container ships or other cargo ships passing through the Strait of Malacca and the Indian Ocean.

The geographical position of Sabang Zone is unique and special to make his position is so important because it can be a gateway inflow of investments , goods and services from abroad . In addition to the area can also function as a central development of technology - intensive industries that can provide benefits in the future and to develop the industry , and can also serve as a collection and distribution of products from and to all parts of Indonesia and other countries .

Sabang role in regional trade map associated with the position that is to be the hub of the SAARC countries ( such as India , Pakistan , Bangladesh , Afghanistan and others ) , ASEAN countries ( see Figure 1.2 ) , ( Thailand , Malaysia , Philippines , Singapore , Brunei Darussalam , Papua New Guinea , Vietnam and Myanmar ) , EAST ASIA countries ( such as Japan , Korea , PRC - Hong Kong and Taiwan ) , as well as Australia , new Zealand and Polynesia . Regionally Sabang is a strategic geographical position in the shipping lanes of the South Asia to the East Asia and Australia .

As for the international trade Sabang is the intersection of the distribution of goods from Europe and Africa to the Americas and Australia and vice versa . The geographical position of Sabang when viewed from national interests , Sabang is the most western point of the country bordering the South Asian countries so that the position of Sabang can serve as a gateway for international trade activities in the western part of Indonesia .

Sabang has many tourist destinations especially natural attractions . In Sabang Zone Master Plan 2007 - 2021 has been designated a tourist area that will be a priority in the development of Sabang Tourism Regions within a period of 5 years to come is the area of ​​marine tourism in Iboih and Gapang . Further developed the International Zone 's Nest Cave Resort in Kampung Paya , Old Town Revitalization Sabang and development of nautical tourism in Nipah Beach ( P. Rice ) .

Gapang Iboih tourist area and a marine tourism destination that presents a view of the underwater world is very beautiful . The scenery can be enjoyed by diving or with a glass-bottom boat ride that was available there . Exploration of the beauty of the underwater world in Iboih and Gapang can be continued up to P. Rubiah . In addition to the underwater landscapes , tourism potential that can be managed from Gapang is Iboih and tourist fishing ( fishing game ) . The potential of tourism is an opportunity to attract tourists the world with all international facilities . ( Source : from various sources )



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